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Archive for February, 2006


Brokeback Mountain-Lego Style


Sickness sucks

February has been a rough month for me so far. Out of the last sixteen days, I have been sick ten of them. I finally managed to make it to work on Wednesday, which doesn’t mean anything since I haven’t been able to accomplish much because of how crappy I feel. Yesterday I actually felt ok, but today I woke up with a massive sinus headache. It’s ok… I did get a trip to Orlando in the middle of all that while the wife has had to carry all of the household stuff and take care of a bunch of sick kids (I include myself in there.) I won’t be complaining any time soon.

Finding that image while searching for “i feel sick” made me smile.


The wife rocks…

and she made me blush.

Day two in Orlando and I miss them like crazy. No worries sweetie… no one is dining and wining me, the weather sucks, and there isn’t a decent bar in town. What’s that? You’re not buying it? Yea… i’m not so good at the lying thing.


Reality Bites

I have to be at the airport at 5:30 in the am and here I am, up at 1 in the morning. I have to go to Orlando for a convention. I really, really, really dont want to go. I am sick, I’m going to miss my family and honestly, I hate flying. Plus, I cant get any of my crap together. *sigh*


this is a test…

this is so cool… I’m sitting at panera bread, sending this post via avantblog on my axim v50. check out for more info. he also has a version for typepad users… so for all you mobile bloggers, it’s a cool new tool.


“My Roommate, Ben Fawley” on Style Weekly

There is a poignant and chilling article in the new issue of Style Weekly that chronicles the couple of months that Cesca Waterfield lived with Ben Fawley. Fawley has been arraigned on murder charges in the Taylor Behl case, and is due to appear in court on May 30th.

Read article here.

More info on the case via